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Beyond Arise: From Shawnee to Costa Rica

January 19, 2023

Beyond Arise: From Shawnee to Costa Rica

Life moves fast and we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the day-to-day noise, it's the stress of our next meeting, the spilled coffee all over your brand new shirt, the next new iPhone that you just have to have, the updates that need to be done around the house - whatever it may be, we're all guilty of it: we're worried about the wrong things. Sometimes, we just need to take a step back from the magnifying glass that's focused on our own lives, and look around at the bigger picture in front of us.

While we were worried about not having our coffee this morning, someone else was worried about not having a meal today. When we were worried about our cabinets being outdated, someone else was worried about finding a safe place to sleep tonight. This is the bigger picture we all struggle to see and are in constant need of reminders to maintain our perspective.

That's what Arise Homes strives to remember. Not only are we building homes for local families here in Kansas, but when you purchase a home, it helps us here at Arise provide for our staff, and their families, to venture and build homes for other less fortunate families in other countries. 

Recently, Arise Homes had the opportunity to travel to Liberia, Costa Rica for a volunteer mission trip and build a brand new home for a young family who had nothing, not even a place to sleep for them and their child. Now, with a roof over their head and something as simple as a lock on their door and working electricity, this family can now focus on moving forward and taking the first step toward a better life.

Youth with a Mission
With the guidance and hard work of Youth with a Mission (YWAM) we were able to build a home in a week, providing them a safe space to call their own - a simple but life-changing act for them. As a company that is passionate about giving back to the community, Arise Homes encourages everyone to look outside their own world, to be a part of something that is much bigger than us, and help those less fortunate, whenever possible—because what matters is how we move forward together as people, no matter how far apart we are.

Taking Action

YWAM's Homes of Hope is a great way to not only meet a tangible need but to make a lasting impact for generations to come. Building a house and putting a roof over a family's head, not only provides shelter, comfort, and protection but helps change the family's mindset from one of poverty to one of Hope. Hope that will be passed down from generation to generation. It is an amazing experience to bring your family, congregation, or co-workers closer by sharing a weekend together making a difference in the lives of a family. 

To learn more about YWAM, and how to get involved in community outreach such as this, we encourage you to visit their website at ywam.org or their Liberia, Costa Rica branch at jucumlir.org or Homes of Hope at ywamhomesofhope.org/costa-rica

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